Welcome to Vartek machınery

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Hello there! My name is Emre VARISLI and I am the president of Vartek Machinery. When we began setting up our corporate website, it was on the top of my wishlist to have a blog on it so I can have a direct way to communicate with our valued customers, employees and suppliers, and here we are. I intend to provide you with updates, insights and opinions about Vartek but also about our industry in general.

In this age of internet, we have made strides towards quick, easy and effective communication in our personal lives with colleagues, friends and family thanks to various communication services and social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and alike but my opinion is the progress about corporate communication is still lacking behind. Sure, most companies have Facebook, twitter and Google+ pages and some of them even have blogs but content is what matters and content is usually geared towards marketing.

Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with marketing content on social media and I can see us doing marketing stuff online but I also believe that it is important for a corporation to show its human face, to give glimpses regarding the past, the present and the future of the company.

When I put myself in a potential prospect’s shoes, I will for sure assess how good the machine I want to invest in is built but I would also like the know the people behind this company and brand, would like to understand the inner workings. This way, I can make an informed decision about where my valuable capital will be invested.

For this reason, as the president of this company, I am putting a high priority on direct, clear and truthful communication with my customers, my suppliers and my employees.

And again for this reason, I will try to reach out to you as much as I can.

We have web communication forms on this website and I encourage you to take a minute of your time and give us your feedback about your experience with Vartek. No purchase necessary! We value the feedback of our customers highly as well as customers who did not choose to invest in our products so that we can better understand why we failed.

I can assure you that I review all communication and all feedback coming in personally and I can promise you that I will act on these when required.


Have a great day


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